This web site highlights areas of the chemical world and illustrates the structures behind the words. It also provides background information about the science of the chemicals.
See the structures of small molecules, medical drugs, biological super-structures - enzymes, proteins, DNA, & virus - and the material world nano structures, all with colourful illustrations and interactive 3D. This web site uses JSmol HTML5 technology to display the interactive 3D models. The models on this web site have been created using PerkinElmer's Chem3D, Oxford Molecular CAChe, Avogadro, Spartan, Accelrys Discovery Studio and the colourful illustrations using PerkinElmer's ChemDraw and CrystalMaker.
The web site is maintained by Dr Karl Harrison and has been updated regularly since Jan 1996.

Coronavirus - COVID 19 - severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) - See Gallery for more images